Second Set of PGD Entrance Exam Sample Questions.
Check out the PGD Model Question Sample if you haven’t already.
1. Which psychological perspective emphasizes the role of unconscious processes in shaping behavior?
a) Behaviorism
b) Cognitive psychology
c) Psychodynamic psychology
d) Humanistic psychology
2. Who is considered the founder of the first psychological laboratory?
a) Sigmund Freud
b) William James
c) Wilhelm Wundt
d) John B. Watson
3. The study of how people think, perceive, remember, and learn is the focus of:
a) Behavioral psychology
b) Cognitive psychology
c) Psychoanalysis
d) Gestalt psychology
4. Which psychologist is known for his hierarchy of needs theory?
a) Carl Rogers
b) B.F. Skinner
c) Erik Erikson
d) Abraham Maslow
5. The concept of “operant conditioning” is most closely associated with:
a) Ivan Pavlov
b) B.F. Skinner
c) John Watson
d) Edward Thorndike
6. Which of the following is NOT one of the main goals of psychology?
a) Describe behavior
b) Predict behavior
c) Control behavior
d) Judge behavior
7. The branch of psychology that deals with mental disorders and their treatment is:
a) Social psychology
b) Developmental psychology
c) Clinical psychology
d) Cognitive psychology
8. Who is known for developing the theory of psychosocial development?
a) Sigmund Freud
b) Erik Erikson
c) Jean Piaget
d) Lawrence Kohlberg
9. The psychological approach that focuses on how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by others is:
a) Cognitive psychology
b) Behavioral psychology
c) Social psychology
d) Biological psychology
10. Which of the following is an example of a projective test?
a) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
b) Rorschach Inkblot Test
c) Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test
d) Beck Depression Inventory
11. The study of how biological processes influence behavior and mental processes is known as:
a) Neuropsychology
b) Cognitive neuroscience
c) Biopsychology
d) Evolutionary psychology
12. Who is credited with developing the first intelligence test?
a) William James
b) Alfred Binet
c) Francis Galton
d) Charles Spearman
13. The phenomenon where people conform to the majority opinion, even when it’s clearly wrong, was demonstrated in which famous experiment?
a) Milgram’s obedience experiment
b) Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment
c) Asch’s conformity experiment
d) Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment
14. Which of the following is NOT one of Freud’s proposed stages of psychosexual development?
a) Oral stage
b) Anal stage
c) Concrete stage
d) Genital stage
15. The branch of psychology that focuses on work-related issues is:
a) Organizational psychology
b) Clinical psychology
c) Educational psychology
d) Forensic psychology
16. Who is known for his classical conditioning experiments with dogs?
a) B.F. Skinner
b) Ivan Pavlov
c) John Watson
d) Edward Thorndike
17. The tendency to recall the first and last items in a list better than the middle items is known as:
a) Recency effect
b) Primacy effect
c) Serial position effect
d) Encoding specificity
18. Which of the following is NOT one of the “Big Five” personality traits?
a) Openness
b) Conscientiousness
c) Extraversion
d) Intelligence
19. The psychological perspective that emphasizes the potential for personal growth and self-actualization is:
a) Psychoanalysis
b) Behaviorism
c) Humanistic psychology
d) Cognitive psychology
20. The study of mental processes in non-human animals is known as:
a) Ethology
b) Comparative psychology
c) Zoology
d) Evolutionary psychology
21. Which psychologist is known for his theory of multiple intelligences?
a) Robert Sternberg
b) Howard Gardner
c) Daniel Goleman
d) Lewis Terman
22. The phenomenon where people attribute their own actions to external factors and others’ actions to internal factors is called:
a) Fundamental attribution error
b) Self-serving bias
c) Confirmation bias
d) Availability heuristic
23. The branch of psychology that focuses on how people grow and change throughout their lives is:
a) Developmental psychology
b) Geriatric psychology
c) Pediatric psychology
d) Life-span psychology
24. Which of the following is NOT a defense mechanism proposed by Freud?
a) Repression
b) Projection
c) Rationalization
d) Metacognition
25. The psychological approach that focuses on how people process, store, and retrieve information is:
a) Information processing theory
b) Behaviorism
c) Psychoanalysis
d) Gestalt psychology
26. Who developed the theory of learned helplessness?
a) Martin Seligman
b) Albert Bandura
c) Aaron Beck
d) Carl Rogers
27. The branch of psychology that applies psychological principles to legal issues is:
a) Criminal psychology
b) Forensic psychology
c) Legal psychology
d) Judicial psychology
28. Which of the following is NOT a type of long-term memory?
a) Episodic memory
b) Semantic memory
c) Procedural memory
d) Sensory memory
29. The psychological perspective that emphasizes the role of early childhood experiences in shaping personality is:
a) Behaviorism
b) Cognitive psychology
c) Psychodynamic psychology
d) Humanistic psychology
30. Who developed the theory of cognitive dissonance?
a) Leon Festinger
b) Stanley Schachter
c) Solomon Asch
d) Kurt Lewin
31. The study of how people perceive, think about, and remember their social experiences is known as:
a) Social cognition
b) Social perception
c) Social learning
d) Social influence
32. Which of the following is NOT a stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
a) Sensorimotor
b) Preoperational
c) Concrete operational
d) Abstract operational
33. The psychological approach that focuses on the role of meaning and interpretation in human experience is:
a) Phenomenology
b) Structuralism
c) Functionalism
d) Behaviorism
34. Who is known for developing the concept of emotional intelligence?
a) Howard Gardner
b) Daniel Goleman
c) Robert Sternberg
d) Paul Ekman
35. The branch of psychology that focuses on the relationship between brain function and behavior is:
a) Neuropsychology
b) Psychophysiology
c) Biopsychology
d) Cognitive neuroscience
36. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages in the General Adaptation Syndrome proposed by Hans Selye?
a) Alarm
b) Resistance
c) Exhaustion
d) Recovery
37. The psychological perspective that emphasizes the role of rewards and punishments in shaping behavior is:
a) Operant conditioning
b) Classical conditioning
c) Social learning theory
d) Cognitive-behavioral theory
38. Who developed the theory of attachment styles in infants?
a) Mary Ainsworth
b) John Bowlby
c) Harry Harlow
d) René Spitz
39. The branch of psychology that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders is:
a) Abnormal psychology
b) Clinical psychology
c) Psychiatry
d) Psychopathology
40. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages in Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?
a) Preconventional
b) Conventional
c) Postconventional
d) Transcendental
41. The psychological approach that focuses on how people’s behavior is influenced by their culture is:
a) Cross-cultural psychology
b) Anthropological psychology
c) Sociocultural psychology
d) Ethnopsychology
42. Who developed the concept of the “collective unconscious”?
a) Sigmund Freud
b) Carl Jung
c) Alfred Adler
d) Erik Erikson
43. The branch of psychology that focuses on improving human performance and well-being in the workplace is:
a) Industrial-organizational psychology
b) Occupational psychology
c) Business psychology
d) Managerial psychology
44. Which of the following is NOT one of the components of working memory in Baddeley’s model?
a) Phonological loop
b) Visuospatial sketchpad
c) Central executive
d) Semantic buffer
45. The psychological perspective that emphasizes the role of learning and environmental influences in shaping behavior is:
a) Behaviorism
b) Cognitivism
c) Psychoanalysis
d) Humanism
46. Who developed the theory of multiple intelligences?
a) Robert Sternberg
b) Howard Gardner
c) Daniel Goleman
d) Lewis Terman
47. The branch of psychology that focuses on the study of consciousness and subjective experiences is:
a) Cognitive psychology
b) Phenomenology
c) Psychophysics
d) Introspectionism
48. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages in Kübler-Ross’s model of grief?
a) Denial
b) Anger
c) Bargaining
d) Acceptance
49. The psychological approach that focuses on how people’s thoughts and beliefs influence their behavior is:
a) Cognitive-behavioral therapy
b) Rational emotive behavior therapy
c) Cognitive therapy
d) All of the above
50. Who is known for developing the concept of “flow” in positive psychology?
a) Martin Seligman
b) Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
c) Barbara Fredrickson
d) Christopher Peterson
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