
Detailed Course Syllabus of PGD Counseling Psychology Course, TU

Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling Psychology is One Academic Year (Two semesters) course work based study.There are total of 10 papers each with 3 credit points for each paper, totaling 30 credit hours for whole PG Diploma course. The course structure for each semester is broken down as follows:

First Semester

PaperCourse CodeSubjectCredit HoursTeaching HoursNature
ICPSY 475Basic Psychology348Th/Pra
IICPSY 476Intro to Counseling348Th/Pra
IIICPSY 477Abnormal Psychology348Th/Pra
IVCPSY 478Behavioral Neuroscience348Th/Pra
VCPSY 479Assessment in Counseling348Th/Pra

Second Semester

PaperCourse CodeSubjectCredit HoursTeaching HoursNature
VICPSY 480Community Psychology348Th/Pra
VIICPSY 481Theories & Practice in Counseling348Th/Pra
VIIICPSY 482Basic Counseling Techniques348Th/Pra
IXCPSY 483School Counseling348Th/Pra
XCPSY 484Thesis3  

Th = Theory

The course consists of theory and practical in each discipline.

As per semester system, attendance is compulsory in the course and usual grading mechanism is as follows:

Headings Marks
Attendance/Class Role Play 5
Home Assignments 5
Interaction in Class 5
Project Work/Practical 5
Term Paper 10
Preboard/Term End Exam 10
Total 40

Please note, each course syllabus is slightly different for internal assessment.

Final Exam from Tribhuvan University carries 60 marks. Total 100 marks for each subject.

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